Our weight lifting straps are made with premium quality polyester and extra thick cotton webbing as well as reinforced stitching to avoid tearing and cracking.
24" cotton strap length and 5 mm neoprene padding allows you to increase your grip strength & burn more fat. An essential workout accessory that supports, compresses and holds your grip to the barbell when you’re training for your big lifts.
Our NEALFIT wrist straps provide neoprene padding to support your wrists and hands as you shrug, deadlift, or complete a heavy back day. These highly durable, long “no slip” straps enhance any workout no matter the lift or routine.
Keeping a better grip on a heavy barbell during weightlifting and powerlifting can help reduce hand and finger injuries like rips, tears, or skin abrasions, especially during heavy lifts and squats. A strong grip is the foundation of every great lift.
Our lifting straps allow you to lift heavier weight with a versatile design and increased length. Wrap these lifting straps around the bar 2-3 times in comfort to take your training to the next level.